Blindern Norsk

Blindern Norsk We unite young people from Norway and other European countries. We organize meetings, workshops, seminars, trainings, Erasmus+ projects, small local events

BLINDERN NORSK organize small local events for youngsters from Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger and Trondheim regions. We organize meetings, workshops, seminars, trainings, Erasmus+ projects, small local events. BLINDERN NORSK gives their clients an opportunity and an unforgettable experience to take part in „Erasmus+ projects” in all of Europe. Our partners are from different EU countires like Spain, Ita

ly, Latvia, Poland, Czech Republic and as well all 6 EU Eastern partnership countries - Georgia, Armenia, Azerbajdzan, Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus. We offer internship places in these fields:
• Business management;
• Creative business
• Social business
• Advertisement,public relations and journalism
• Tourism,
• Environmental design, system administration and IT

Our main office is located in Norwegian capital-Oslo. We implement our knowledge and abilities to enrich and to make every project a success story.W e are working closely with our collegues and sharing our thoughts and experience to enrich the content of every research project.

Our group had great project experience in Latvian Latgale region, in a city called Daugavpils. We spent 10 days in Strop...

Our group had great project experience in Latvian Latgale region, in a city called Daugavpils.
We spent 10 days in Stropi park in a Hotel ''AMBER'' 28th April- 7th May. It was amazing experience for all our team!
Thank you ARTILT-Da for Youthpass project 2017!

Opp for Latvians!! Dont miss a chance to visit Serbia

Opp for Latvians!! Dont miss a chance to visit Serbia

Searching for a leader to participate in a 3 days Training Course ignition phase in Serbia 30th SEP- 3rd OCT 2017.
Those interested in the possibility- send your CV to our email:
[email protected] until 10th SEP


I just supported European Youth Mobility Day on //

The project we enjoyed all together!

The project we enjoyed all together!

– Familiarizar a los participantes con el concepto del Youthpass, como un programa educacional con sus posibilidades dentro y fuera del Erasmus+



In the beginning of March second project was launched 'Mappo IMI 2'.

In this project the trainee will work in a group of researchers.

He will mainly make field trips, interviewing people, monitoring
the activities of migrants and producing visual and written reports.

Under the project 'Mappo IMI 2'- which is aimed to create a visual material- a map of Oslo, where all the institutions, cultural centres, migration policy center, NGO which work with migrants will be shown.

Under the research project 'Mappo IMI 2' - a multidisciplinary scientific research done by the non-governmental sector with following tasks:

• Inspecting a local surrounding of 5 Oslo districts

• Preparing a photo report about distinctive point that should be added to the visual material

• Preparing 5 presentations of each of the Oslo districts



Our flagman projects right now are devoted to the geographical researches. Our first project 'Norsk IMI 2' was launched on the second week of January 2015.

Under the research project 'Norsk IMI 2' - a multidisciplinary scientific research done by the non-governmental sector with following tasks:

(1) Researching EEA and EU migration policies

(2) Preparing and implementing interviews with migrants

(3) Monitoring local migrants community in Grønland region

(4) Preparing background documents for the 'Norsk IMI 2' project

Currently we are strongly connected with Education and research environment. We have professional team, who are running ...

Currently we are strongly connected with Education and research environment. We have professional team, who are running research projects in different fields: geography, economy, business studies and others.
Right now we have 4 trainees, who are working in different departments on research projects in migration and economical flows studies.
Our flagman projects right now are devoted to the geographical researches.

After establishing our organization we are actively organizing small local events for young people from in Oslo region. ...

After establishing our organization we are actively organizing small local events for young people from in Oslo region.
We have been participating in a serie of European Youth parliament sessions for participants from EU and EEA. Altogether we participated in 6 international EYP sessions.
In 2010 we started to explore Youth in Action programme and since then participated in approximately 10 different projects. Since a new program was introduced - we organise seminars about ERASMUS+ program.

Once a month we are organizing a small seminar about possibilities for young people, that EU offer- we tell about actual projects that our partners are running, EVS opportunities and update information about the projects that people are writing within our organization.

At least once a month we are running small meetings with students where we brainstorm new ideas about possible development of youth projects in Norway. AT the moment we are preparing three YiA projects for the National agency.


Olav M. Troviks Vei 8



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