Infants are constantly developing during their first year of life! From the moment of birth, an infant faces the many tasks of physical development, beginning with the need to take its first breath so that it can live outside its mother's womb. Sucking and swallowing, eye movement, developing visual acuity, hearing, making sounds, moving the head, holding up the head, sitting up, rolling over , crawling, standing, walking . Alongside this musculoskeletal development, the baby also develops mental and social skills. There are plenty of babies who seem to struggle more or less with any of these tasks.
Exiting the womb to enter into the world is a daunting task for the baby as evidenced by swelling, bruising, and head deformity that go hand in hand with being born. It is quite a miracle that many babies recover quite well, nevertheless, others struggle with birth trauma which is triggered by the cranial nerves. The cranial nerves are direct extensions of the brain. Overlapping head bones during and after birth may trap or distort these cranial nerves.
Babies try to communicate with us all the time. Although babies can't talk they are eager to communicate with us by crying, smiling, cooing, or babbling. They also let us know if they have physical discomfort or pain by crying, fussing, fidgeting or avoiding physical contact. Like their mums, many infants also experience postpartum pain and distress. The aftershocks of the birth trauma may however linger on for a year or even more. Biodynamic craniosacral therapy for infants can help to recover in a shorter time. Even toddler, young children, adolescents may have a good chance to release old birth-traumas and recover by assisting the body to release tension and restriction in the connective tissue. This release allows the head bones, facial bones and spine, to readjust and find their proper place.
Moreover, nerve conduction, blood, lymph and energy flow improve as the connective tissue relaxes and provides more space for these structures. As the physical discomfort and pain recede, the baby becomes more peaceful, joyful, and engaged with its parents and environment. Health increases, mental and physical functions improve, and milestones are met with greater ease.
You are very welcome at MAURI ORANGA with your infant, toddler, child and adolescent to see Christa.
Phone 02102735 315 to make an appointment