So what exactly is Human Design? And how do you calculate a Design chart? Human Design is the genetic code of life it is the underlying intelligence of nature's evolutionary process. The HD knowledge enlightens us with universal principles and laws of nature, (energy mechanics), in relation to human dynamics. Learning to Live one's Design is a radical self discovery, de-conditioning, and awakening
process, even for a mature, or evolved soul. What would it be like to resolve the dysfunction, live in profound respect of self and others, have access to unlimited recognition, acceptance, and love and joy? This is quite do-able as we learn to align with the mechanics of how energy works. Parents find this knowledge priceless because they are able to guide their children more effectively while understanding their deeper nature. Children respond beautifully feeling recognized, respected and supported in who they really are. Following ones Design also provides a trustworthy inner compass for making wise decisions. All we need to calculate your Design chart is your birth date, time, and place. Founded by Ra Uru Hu, Human Design is a precise genetic energy map that reveals your potential and 'part in the whole'. (To read more about the science of Human Design, it's founder and educational programs, visit at the official site of Ra Uru Hu, at or at
Marta's personal training as a professional HD Analyst includes years of training with excellent HD teachers. Marta also brings a seasoned meditation practice to her work enhancing the deconditioning and awakening process. She has been dedicated to following her Design's strategy since 2003. Marta has been interpreting HD charts since 2005 offering a depth of experience for her clients. Contact Tecca for scheduling, pricing, and questions at [email protected] or