What is Mindfulness Meditation?
Mindfulness is the practice of opening to and understanding the moment just as it is, whether we are practicing sitting meditation, cooking dinner, or advocating for justice. To begin we make the necessary effort to calm the mind and heart. Without this first step, our intention to be present is often overwhelmed by the mind’s habits to struggle with conditions. Instead of struggling, we practice trusting the mind’s capacity to be relaxed, clear, intimate, and willing to feel how it is in the moment. This simple, clear knowing is at the heart of mindfulness practice.
Mindfulness is all about cultivating a continuous present-moment awareness. We train in persistence: a willingness to begin over and over again. This training is overseen by the wise and kind heart that appreciates how difficult it is to remain present. Still, no matter how difficult it appears to be, our practice is to gently and persistently return to the simple truth “This is being known.” Awareness is already available and knowing; the practice is to simply and clearly recognize “This is being known.” Many people develop whole-body awareness, a direct, non-conceptual knowing of sensation, as a means for developing momentum in their practice. Daily sitting practice and an effort to be present throughout the day are causes for greater joy, tranquility, and insight. This capacity to be present is our wise friend, protector, and guide – this is how we live with greater wisdom, compassion, and ease.
Common Ground is an independent center founded on the teachings of the Buddha. This center follows in the spirit of the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) in Barre, Massachusetts and Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Northern California and is part of the greater Insight Meditation or Vipassana community in the West. We welcome skillful means from all Buddhist traditions as well as other spiritual traditions dedicated to wisdom and compassion.
All our programs are offered freely in the spirit of generosity. Visit our website to learn more about supporting the center and our teachers: http://commongroundmeditation.org/about/supporting-the-center/